Ocean Beach Recap


Thank you's go out to everyone that came out for the fair this past weekend in Fire Island. Was great to see some customers from last year and just as nice to make some more people happy with our art. Luckily the weather held up for the entire weekend and into the night.

All posters that we ran out of and that need to be shipped are mailing out tomorrow. You should have by the end of the week or early next week the latest.

Next up for me is back to Long Beach on the  25th and 26th. I will actually be away on vacation but some of the metalbox crew will be holding down the fort. I will have a few new things available at this fair as well, so come out and say whats up. Until then check out some of the images of the fair and the weekend.

Jam session during happy hour 

Dude named Tom Brady buying on of Genes pieces....Irony!

Best dressed on the beach too.

Water was rough all weeknd. Didnt even get a change to get wet....sucks. Next year were staying an extra day.

Michelle and me winning in darts til 3 in the morning. We were the official King and Queen of the dart board on that night. Check out that form!

2 maps hanging in the window at Klines. Great store for getting your beach gear and souvenirs.

View from the ferry of the Great South Bay and the Robert Moses bridge in the background.

August 14, 2012 by james mcdonald

New retail stores carrying my art


  I am proud to announce that we have added a new store to the mix of places where you can buy some of my posters. Welcome SiteNYC in Astoria is the newest location to join Harlem Flo Boutique up on Marcus Garvey Blvd in Harlem and Kline's in Ocean Beach, FIre Island. If your in the neighborhood of these stores go ahead and stop in, they each offer some really great product and I could'nt be in better company.