Argyle Craft Fair, September 2011
Was great to be out in Babylon over the weekend to take part in the annual art and craft fair held at Argyle park. We met a lot of cool people, had some laughs and sold some merch too. Though the details of the story witll have to be kept off the internet, the best part was giving Gene, Victor and his wife a lesson in good ol' fashion economics of buying low and selling hi.
All of the orders that were made on prints that were sold out have since mailed out with the exception of 3 people whom I will be hand delivering to your doorstep this Friday afternoon/night. Looking forward to having a few more shows in the fall and into the holiday season. As always, all of the product at the fair is available to purchase in the store!Here are a fe other pics.
Future customer checking out a print.
The Captain just couldnt resist checking us out